I came to Nepal seeking answers.
Even though I didn’t know what questions I was asking.
It was easy to see from their songs, their smiles, and the sparkles in their eyes that the people here had some sort of secret, they got it, they figured it out.
I wondered what was it and where it came from.
So I started asking questions, which were answered with more questions that led me on a journey to my own answers.
When I asked about Buddhism, my friend said that there is no Buddhism… just buddha… just us… and we are all buddha… and we are all shiva… and we are all jesus.
There are 84 million Hindu gods, and each god has 1008 names. And each god, like each of us, is a window to the same sky… inside and above.
And all of these gods and temples are reminders to remember that we are the god.
So there are 14 billion universes on this planet, because each of our eyes is a universe and a window to the universe.
I wondered why there were so many gods with so many names… that seems to mean as much as if there were no gods… and why do we need gods anyway if we are all seeking to see the same sky and it is inside of us?
And then I saw an answer. The people here are able to live such spiritual lives, because there are so many and also no gods, because there is a god for everyone, because they are seeking god, because they are seeking themselves… because it is all about the journey.
In movement there is life. In movement love and light can flow. In movement there is surrender. In movement there is freedom. Just as Shiva dances, as birds migrate, as flowers bloom, as everything grows, and as rivers flow and move mountains and shape valleys and shine stones so you can see the crystal inside.
And in stagnation there is suffering and sickness and death. Think of what happens when a river is blocked by a dam… or what happens when we don’t know how to grieve and let go… or what happens when we shut down and harden our hearts. Look what has happened in the west.
Here whenever someone says the name of a God, everyone throws their hands up showing that they surrender. They joked, ‘Here in Nepal you don’t have to show us a gun to get us to surrender.’ That in itself shows the contrast between our two cultures.
This makes me think that maybe in religion there is a lack of movement… and in spirituality there is the dance of life, poetry in motion, like the mahapuran.
And even when we think we’re at the end, when we reach enlightenment, when the flower bud blooms and becomes a rose, and its sweet smell blesses all around it… we all know what happens to rose blossoms.
It is an endless dance… of life and death… of questions and answers…
And the answer is in not asking the question anymore. A question is like a thread that is trying to go somewhere, so it isn’t in the moment.
That is why the answers I found here took me on a journey.
Another story says that when Buddha became enlightened, the people asked him what happened, what he did, what he found… and Buddha said ‘I always used to ask questions and then I realized that the questions were irrelevant.’ When asked on his deathbed what he wanted to say, he said ‘You are Buddha. Find it. You are the light. Find it.’
So what is the secret?
When I asked that question my friend answered by asking me if I could explain love. He said the secret also can’t be explained and can only be experienced.
And it’s all the same secret. And I already know it. I just have to remember.
I am an American
Or more like an alien
In the world of awareness
I got the power
But inside I am powerless
With my eyes and heart so shut
I don’t know shit
I need to wake up
From this nightmare I’m living
Please Yogi teach me everything
I want to be a guru like you
I’m seeking the ancient secret
And all stories that are true
The secret you seek cannot be explained
Only experienced
So hear and feel this…
The only question that there is
Is do I have the willingness to be a witness
To my reflection on the mirror of awareness
To the resurrection of my truest essence
And when this is all that is left of me
I can wake up from this dream
And this blossoming will be the end
And the beginning
There are 84 million gods
Each with 1008 names
And they are all one and none and the same
And each of our eyes
Is its own universe
And a window to the same sky
Inside and above
There to remind us
We are all Shiva
We are all one
We are all love
There is no buddhism
No isms or schisms
Just buddha
Just jesus
Just us
And God is an enigma
The beginning and the end
Matter and energy
Masculine and feminine
The definite and infinite
Form and formless
Movement and stillness
You and me
We exist in a matrix of energy and stories
On infinite grids of gods and consciousness
And we can catch a glimpse
Into these other dimensions
Where all the directions
Come into contact and contract into
The dot on the ohm
We call the bindu
And the key to spirituality
Is that it is a journey
The secret’s in the seeking
And the being
Right here right now now now
There is nothing else
But this dance of life
This poetry in motion
That flows like a river
And grows into the ocean
And it can move mountains
And shape valleys
And shine stones into jewels of truth
Inside of you and me
So we can be free
On his deathbed
Buddha said
That when you find the answer
The questions are irrelevant
There is only the present
And you are the light
You just have to find it
So what is the secret
My own journey
Alchemy and mystery
Is happening inside of me
It’s my own question I’m seeking
And I already know the answer
And it’s all the same secret
I just have to remember
And surrender
#You are buddhaful